The showing is located on the north side of the Baezaeko River, approximately 6 kilometres south west of Narcosli Lake.
The area is underlain by sediments believed to belong to the Middle- Jurassic Hazelton Group and by volcanics of the Eocene Ootsa Group. A large, north east- trending fault system is interpreted as passing through the claims and possibly separating the volcanics in the northwest from the sediments in the southeast.
Locally, a large, very strong hydrothermal alteration zone is exposed in outcrop and subcrop. Alteration consists of bleaching, brecciation, intense clay alteration and silicification of the Hazelton Group sediments. Late quartz and pyrite stringers are seen locally. The main area of alteration is exposed over an area of about 500 metres by 300 metres.
In 1983, Newmont Exploration Ltd. staked the Sinterella claims and completed a rock and soil geochemical survey program. 1989 to1990 the area was explored under the Baezaeko 1-3 and Zab 1 claims.
In 1983, two samples taken from a gossanous zone yielded values of 162 and 172 parts per million lead, 1919 and 2892 parts per million zinc, respectively (Assessment Report 12576).