The Dot Com occurrence is located near a sharp bend on the ‘Old Gravel Creek’ road, approximately 400 metres northwest of its junction with the highway.
The area is underlain by Lower and Upper Triassic Nicola Group basalts and volcaniclastics. Younger Miocene flood basalts overlie the Jurassic volcanics. Tertiary silica conglomerate outcrops are found on ridges to the west of China Cabin Lake.
Locally, amygdaloidal dark greenish-black basalts contain large blocky crystals of epidote and scattered phenocrysts of K-feldspar. The outcrop shows indistinct pillow-like shapes, the margins of which contain vesicules and amygdules filled with calcite and zeolite. Native copper is present in the amygdules and as disseminations. In 2000, a grab sample (BT-14R) assayed 0.39 per cent copper (Assessment Report 26218).
In 1967, a program of regional prospecting and sampling was completed by the Keweenaw Sydnicate. During 1982 through 1984, the area was prospected as the Gold claims and two diamond drill holes, totalling 158.5 metres, were completed. During 1996 and 1997, White Channel Resources completed programs geological mapping, prospecting and one diamond drill hole, totalling 367.9 metres, on the area as the Mineral Ridge property. In 2000, the area was prospected and mapped as the Dot Com property. During 2008 through 2012, programs of test pitting, trenching and geochemical sampling were completed on the area as part of the Rimfire project.