The Sunrise occurrence is located on the north side of the Cariboo River, approximately 6.5 kilometres north-northeast of Likely.
The area is within the Quesnel terrane of the Intermontane Belt near its eastern margin, adjacent to the Precambrian to Paleozoic rocks of the Omineca terrane. The dominant lithologies comprise red-brown weathering phyllite, grey siltstone and interbedded felsic tuffs, which form the lowermost part of the Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Nicola Group. Formerly referred to as "black phyllite", this unit has been thrust onto the older rocks of the Omineca terrane, with which it has been deformed and metamorphosed, probably during the Middle to Late Jurassic.
Locally, an adit, known as the Sunshine adit, which is caved or covered, exposes a northwest striking quartz vein hosted in a schistose argillite. The vein is approximately 3.6 metres wide and hosts irregular galena mineralization. A selected sample across a 3.5 metre section assayed 27.4 grams per tonne gold (Energy Mines and Petroleum Resources Annual Report 1933, p. A136). In 1987, a sample (685) from a small quartz vein assayed 0.45 gram per tonne gold, 267.7 grams per tonne silver, 4.04 per cent lead and 4.45 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 17103).
Another occurrence, located approximately 100 metres downstream from the adit, consists of a 30 by 30 metre area of pulaskite hosting quartz-carbonate stringers sparsely mineralized with galena. A select sample assayed 41.4 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 9916).
In 1967, a program of regional prospecting and sampling was completed by the Keweenaw Sydnicate. During 1981 through 1984, Apex Energy completed programs of airborne and ground geophysical surveys, prospecting, geological mapping and soil sampling on the area as the Nov 1-3 claims. During 1984 through 1986, Mt. Calvery Resources completed programs of geological mapping, prospecting, trenching and geochemical sampling on the area. In 1987, Malcom Resources completed a program of soil sampling, prospecting and trenching on the area.