The Rusty group of claims, covering the Daphne showing, are located 43 kilometres south east of Quesnel and 1.6 kilometres south east of Nyland Lake.
The Daphne showing occurs in an area where aplite dikes cut quartz monzonite of a large intermediate to felsic batholith. The batholith has intruded Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic rocks of the Central Quesnel Belt and is similar in appearance to the Naver Intrusions. The Naver Intrusions, occurring to the north, are considered to be of Lower Cretaceous age. This batholith has been displaced by a fault (known informally as the Chiaz fault) considered to be part of the Pinchi-Quesnel fault system. The fault has displaced rocks as old as Upper Triassic and as young as Eocene.
Molybdenite mineralization occurs in quartz filled fractures and shears in both aplite and quartz monzonite. Mineralization occurs as disseminations in the aplite and as fracture coatings in the quartz monzonite.
The Rusty claims were originally staked in the early 1960’s by Eugene Crotteau, a local trapper and hunter, who discovered molybdenite bearing float, which later assayed 0.13 per cent molybdenum, along the bed of the westerly branch of Chiaz Creek (Property File Placer Dome Woodcock, J.R., 1965). In 1965, Coranex Limited examined the property as the Rusty claims. In 1966, Eastbrook Asbestos Corporation Limited acquired the Rusty claims and exploration work was conducted by Alrae Exploration Limited.
Previous to 1966, trenching work on the property included four separate areas; stretching over 300 metres in a northerly direction. Pit no. 1 showed the most molybdenite with mineralization exposed over 10.7 metres. It was also the most northerly and downstream of the four pits. Pit no. 2 exposed two small and discontinuous zones of molybdenite mineralization, each less then 0.30 metres. Pits no. 3 and 4 exposed a strong fault zone, over 0.9 metres in width, with traces of molybdenite in the gouge material (Property File Cyprus Anvil Alrae Exploration Ltd., 1966).
In 1969, two assayed samples return 0.14 and 0.02 per cent Cu, and 0.005 per cent Mo each (Property File Cyprus Anvil Warnock Hersey International Limited, 1969). In 1976, Rio Tinto Canada Exploration conducted surveys. In 1987, Kim Resources conducted surveys in the area.