The Maud Lake property is situated 47 kilometres southeast of Quesnel at Maud Lake. Access to the property is by a series of gravel surfaced public roads from Quesnel to Sardine Flats and by the Nyland Lake access road to Maud Lake. Approximately five kilometres of rough four-wheel drive trails link the 1988 drill sites to the Nyland Lake access road.
The Maud showing lies within the central Quesnel Trough of the Quesnel Terrane, near Maud Lake. The area is underlain by Upper Triassic sedimentary and mafic volcanic rocks overlain by dominantly felsic volcanic rocks and pyritic, fine grained sedimentary rocks of Lower Jurassic to possibly Middle Jurassic age. These latter sedimentary rocks probably lie unconformably on both basaltic and felsic volcanic rocks. This assemblage is correlative with the Nicola Group.
Underlying the showing are two small alkalic intrusions one of monzodiorite and monzonite, and a second of gabbro and pyroxenite. Both intrude a thick succession of augite basalt, trachybasalt, felsic breccia, and volcanic wackes and sediments. Dark grey massive basaltic flows, thick layers of unstratified autobreccia and widespread accumulations of pyritic felsic breccia form rocky summits and ridges in the central part of the property. Poorly bedded volanic wackes and sedimentary grits outcrop at lower elevations to the west. The sediments strike northwesterly, dip steeply west, and overlie the volcanic strata to the east. Grey and maroon basaltic rocks that dip steeply east and are probably equivalent to those mafic rocks near Maud Lake, lie along the west part of the property.
The favourable horizon is a propylitized calcareous basalt at or near the contact with an overlying assemblage of felsic volcanics, greywackes and siltstones in proximity to an intrusive stock. In 1988, five drillholes (180M-8 and 180M-13 to 16) intercepted this siltstone-basalt contact and encountered weakly skarned felsic rocks and unaltered basalt, and sediments. Anomalous gold values of up to 1.26 grams per tonne gold were encountered (hole 180M-14), dominantly from chloritized shear zones (Assessment Report 17598). Drillholes 180M-9 and 10 penetrated an ultramafic stock for their entire length, with minimal sulphides including chalcopyrite intersected at the end of 180M-9.
Chalcopyrite and gold mineralization also occur within pyritic volcanic breccias adjacent to the intrusion. Two grab samples from the Lem 15 claim assayed 0.05 per cent copper (Property File - Tully, D.W., 1970).
The Maud 1 to 4 claims were staked in 1980 by Dome Exploration (Canada) Ltd. to cover a large aeromagnetic anomaly and similar geologic terrane to the QR gold deposit (093A 121) about 11 kilometres to the southeast. In 1981, 82 kilometres of line was cut and soil sampled, 76 kilometres of induced polarization and magnetometer surveys performed and 128 kilometres of airborne EM and magnetometer surveys flown. This work resulted in several anomalous zones of which four were diamond drilled (holes 1 to 4) for a total of 1422.8 metres. No work has been done since then. In 1988, QPX Minerals Ltd. conducted a diamond drill program consisting of 2878.3 metres in twelve holes to test geophysical anomalies along a favourable northwest trending geologic horizon.