The Sil showing lies within the Cariboo Terrane of the Omineca Belt and is underlain by rocks of the Cunningham Formation, Cariboo Group. A short distance to the west of the property lies the Pleasant Valley Thrust. This is a major thrust fault which marks the division between the Cariboo Terrane to the east and the Barkerville Terrane to the west.
The Cunningham Formation is characterized by limestone, dolo- stone and fine-grained marble and is in gradational contact with the underlying, dominantly clastic, rocks of the Issac Formation and the overlying clastic Yankee Belle Formation. These three formations are all considered to be of Hadrynian (Upper Proterozoic) age.
Mineralization consists of quartz stringers with erratically distributed galena and sphalerite within limestone of the Cunningham Formation.
Golden Kootenay Resources Inc. conducted surveys and drilling on the Grizzly Lake project from 1993 to 1998. Excellerated Resources Inc. optioned the property in 1999.