The Sleeping Giant property covers most of the area between the south shore of Canim Lake and Howard Lake.
The property area is mapped as Upper Triassic Nicola Group volcanics, intruded by felsic plutonic rocks associated with a small stock located on the east shore of the south end of Canim Lake. The stock may be a satellite of the Cretaceous Raft batholith.
Locally, there are a number of pyrite, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite showings. The Pat Lake showing is fine grained disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite in fresh un-weathered syenite exposed along an old logging road west of Pat Lake; fracture fillings of pyrite and chalcopyrite also occur but these are extensively oxidized leaving coatings of limonite and malachite. The Breccia showing is about 150 metres south of the Pat Lake showing, and consists of small amounts of disseminated pyrite, chalcopyrite and bornite associated with an intrusive breccia. The breccia is highly fractured and altered to pink feldspar, epidote, chlorite and magnetite. The sulphide-rich zone is about 335 by 300 metres in area. There are other scattered occurrences of disseminated chalcopyrite and bornite on the property. Angular float containing stibnite was found in the west part of the property, near the base of a low west-facing cliff about 300 metres east of the main Canim Lake South road (Assessment Report 20452).
In 1968, Cominco Limited found low grade copper mineralization related to the small stock on the east side of the south end of Canim Lake. Cominco staked the Kim claims, mapped the geology and conducted soil and silt sampling. In 1972, Dome Petroleum staked 250 units as the RM property and conducted an extensive program of mapping, soil, silt and rock sampling, bulldozer trenching and ground magnetometer and induced polarization surveys. Fifteen percussion holes totalling 993 metres were drilled on the breccia zone and three holes were drilled near Pellicker Lake (also known as the Potlicker Lake zone) by Neoconex Canadian Exploration Limited in 1974. Cominco restaked part of the old Kim claims in 1976 and completed 10 percussion drill holes. In 1989, the Sleeping Giant property, which also includes the Canim occurrences (092P 158) was staked by D.W. Ridley and A. Harvey. A work program in 1990 consisted of gridwork, prospecting, soil and rock sampling. Also in 1990, Cominco completed a 13.5 line-kilometre induced polarization and magnetic survey. This work identified an area showing a moderate chargeability anomaly associated with a resistivity low, measuring approximately 250 metres in width and occurring on two north-south oriented lines, located approximately 1 kilometer southeast of Potlicker Lake. In 1993, Ridley and Pioneer Metals Corporation drilled three BQ holes for a total of 63 metres. In 2010, Fjordland Exploration Inc., completed an exploration program of prospecting and soil geochemical sampling on the area as apart of the Howard Lake property. In 2013, La Quinta Resource Corp. staked the area as the Coppertonic property.