The Beer showing is located near Canim Lake. Two kilometres northeast of Roger Lake, the showing is exposed on the west side of the road between Roger Lake and Judy Lake. Pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and bornite occurring as disseminations, blebs and small irregular stringers are reported at the main showing and elsewhere on the Beer claims. The claim area is underlain by Upper Triassic Nicola Group andesitic volcanics intruded by and in contact with the dioritic Triassic to Jurassic Takomkane batholith to the west. The rocks are highly sheared, fractured and locally brecciated.
The area was staked in 1969 but no work was done. In 1970, D. Martin and C. Turner staked the 40 Beer claims and Aragon Exploration Limited performed some preliminary exploration work. The Rum claims were added to cover areas highlighted as "potentially favourable" by a Federal regional aeromagnetic survey. In 1971 and 1972, Aragon Exploration conducted geological mapping, soil sampling for copper and zinc, and trenching over copper anomalies. Induced polarization and magnetometer surveys were run on the property in November 1972. In 1990, Princeton Mining Corporation optioned the Clay property (092P 155) to the south of Roger Lake, and extended the property to the north. The Beer showing was included in what was called the After claim (Assessment Report 20469). The extension was subsequently dropped, and Dave Ridley staked the area as the Straw claims. In 1993, Ridley, along with D. Dunn of Pioneer Metals Corporation mapped and prospected for mineralization and alteration, and carried out some soil, rock and silt sampling (Assessment Report 23279).