The Thuya copper occurrences, also called the Sunshine claims, are located 12 (air) kilometres west of Little Fort, on the south side of Eakin Creek. The showings are exposed in a logging road (Geology, Exploration and Mining in British Columbia 1970, page 312, figure 44).
Two showings are shown on figure 44 (Geology, Exploration and Mining in British Columbia 1970) and on figure 4 (Occurrence Th-1 in Fieldwork 2000, pages 21 and 25). They are described as "sparse occurrences of chalcopyrite" in strongly fractured and saussuritized granodiorite of the Thuya batholith. Chalcopyrite is described as occurring in leached quartz veins that cut granodiorite of the Triassic to Jurassic Thuya batholith. Mineralization can be found along most roadcuts along the first 3 kilometres of the logging road. Similar alteration and traces of chalcopyrite were observed in a small isolated exposure of granitic rock on the same road 2800 metres south of Eakin Creek.
In 1971, Nippon Mining Company of Canada completed a program (Geology, Exploration and Mining in British Columbia 1971) of reconnaissance geological mapping and a geochemical soil survey (140 samples). There is no record of physical work on the occurrence.