The Discord Creek showing occurs in a region underlain by granodiorite of the Jurassic to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex in contact with volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Lower Cretaceous Taylor Creek Group. The contact between the intrusive (Eocene granodiorite) and volcanic rocks is interpreted as a fault.
Two related mineralized zones have been examined on the property, the Discord Creek zone and the Zan 1 zone. A small branching quartz vein carrying chalcopyrite and molybdenite located in Discord Creek follows a fracture system through both intrusive and volcanic lithologies. The rocks are brecciated and quartz-carbonate or clay alteration is common. Pyritic gossanous material with malachite can be found in the talus below. The vein was traced upslope for over 80 metres and was seen to extend above into steep slopes. Anomalous values in precious metals, precious metal indicators (mercury, arsenic, antimony) and base metals (copper, 4.5 per cent and zinc, 0.16 per cent) were determined from this vein (Bulletin 81). This vein occurs within a zone of the intensely fractured and brecciated kaolinized granodiorite. Gypsum (selenite) also occurs along fractures and as a matrix material to the granodiorite fragments. The best grab sample from this zone contained 4.93 grams per tonne gold and 100 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 18059).
The Zan zone contains low amounts of gold and silver but much higher amounts of mercury.