The GRAB porphyry copper showing is 0.4 kilometres west- southwest of Vic Lake and 131 kilometres southwest of Williams Lake, B.C.
In the area, andesite and heterolithic volcanic breccia of the Informally named Upper Cretaceous Powell Creek Formation unconformably overlie argillite, sandstone and conglomerate of the Lower Cretaceous Taylor Creek Group. The sedimentary and volcanic rocks are cut by a hornblende-feldspar porphyry stock, and numerous dikes ranging in composition from quartz-eye rhyolite to andesite and diorite. Most dikes strike north and dip steeply; northwest, northeast, and east striking dikes also occur. The volcanic and sedimentary rocks are fractured parallel to dike walls.
Mineralization occurs as fracture-fillings and as disseminations within the dikes and enclosing volcanics and sediments. Mineralization consists of chalcopyrite with minor amounts of pyrrhotite, galena, sphalerite, and trace molybdenite. Malachite, azurite, chrysocolla, and covellite occur locally. Pyrite is scarce within the zone of chalcopyrite mineralization but is common in the adjacent hornblende-feldspar porphyry stock.
The showings were originally staked by Cominco Ltd. in 1973, who followed up with detailed mapping in 1973. Reconnaissance geology and bulk sampling of pyritic altered zones was done by Tracer Resources in 1982. Noranda Exploration conducted helicopter-borne magnetic, electromagnetic, radiometric and VLF-EM surveys in 1992 on behalf of Hemlo Gold Mines Inc. and Bitterroot Resources over the VIC property showings (Assessment Report 22466).