The SILVERQUICK MINE mercury deposit, approximately 3.8 kilometres northeast of Eldorado Mountain, approximately 21 kilometres northeast of Gold Bridge, B.C.
The Silverquick Mine is within chert pebble conglomerate and interbedded sandstone-shale and chert lithic quartz arenite of the Upper Cretaceous Silverquick Formation (informal usage). The rocks are extremely fractured by joints and faults. The joints are multidirectional and are nearly vertical, spaced a few centimetres to a metre apart. Faults strike northwest, northeast and west, with moderate to steep dips.
Cinnabar is present as disseminated grains, streaks and small lenses within brecciated conglomerate, as smears on slickensided faults and in the mud of gouge seams. Cinnabar is accompanied by quartz, calcite, limonite and clay (dickite).
The area of the Silverquick mine has undergone large scale folding and associated thrust faulting, with subsequent (northwest trending) high angle strike slip faulting. Faulting seems to have taken place both before and after ore deposition. Cinnabar was most likely deposited at relatively shallow depth from low temperature hydrothermal solutions along fractures and faults that greatly enhanced the permeability of the host conglomerate and associated sedimentary rocks.
The mine, producing most of its ore in the early to mid 1960's, yielded about 3180 kilograms of mercury. The mine was operated by Silverquick Development Co. in 1964 and 1965. About 34 kilograms of mercury were produced in 1955.
In 1980, Pan Ocean Oil carried out detailed mapping and sampling in the area, followed by Placer Development Ltd. who conducted programs of soil, talus fines, stream sediment and rock sampling in 1981, as well as ground magnetometer and VLF-EM surveys in 1983. In 1985, Hillside Energy Corporation and Claymore Resources Ltd. conducted a program of soil and rock sampling followed by geological mapping and had one hole drilled in the vicinity of the EVA showing approximately 7 kilometres west of Silverquick. In 1987, Searchlight Resources Inc. carried out geological mapping and sampling in the area and results directed Millenium Resources Inc. to drill 3 holes at the EVA showing, the following year.
Beginning in 2005, Durfeld Geological Management Ltd. conducted regional exploration over a large area surrounding Silverquick. Rock sampling results showed strongly anomalous mercury over a large area. One feldspar porphyry sample with disseminated arsenopyrite was anomalous in gold (115 parts per billion). Sampling of the Silverquick adits and open cuts assayed mercury values up to 1.92 per cent (Assessment Report 28124). In 2006, mapping and prospecting expanded the area of cinnabar-rich, weakly altered quartz-veined conglomerate. Mapping and prospecting continued throughout 2008 and 2009. In 2011 Durfeld teamed up with GFE Exploration Corporation to conduct an airborne magnetic survey. Further mapping and sampling continued throughout the area in 2012.