The Big Slide occurrence comprises vein-hosted gold mineralization, 6.5 kilometres north of the northern end of Tatlayoko Lake. Work has been done in this area intermittently since the early 1900's. The Big Slide occurrence may be similar to another vein-hosted gold deposit 1.8 kilometres to the southwest, namely the Skinner occurrence (092N 039).
The occurrence is located 4 kilometres southwest of the northwest-striking Yalakom fault, in part of the Cadwallader Terrane. The area is dominated by a quartz diorite to diorite (and/or tonalite) intrusion of the Upper Triassic Cadwallader plutonic suite. The intrusion is hosted by Lower to Middle Jurassic sedimentary rocks of the Ladner Group to the south and west, partly in fault contact (Geological Survey of Canada Open File 1163). To the north of the intrusion are Upper Triassic coarse clastic sedimentary rocks of theTyaughton Group. A fault bound sliver of the Upper Triassic coarse clastic sedimentary rocks occurs immediately west of the Mount Skinner occurrence and east of the Ladner Group rocks.
Little information is available on the local geology. The mineralization is hosted in a system of subparallel, thin, sheeted quartz veins in the diorite (Property File - Berniolles, L.M., 1991). At least 12 veins have been located in the system, outcropping over several hectares. The best assay obtained was 55 grams per tonne gold, over a width of 15 centimetres (Property File - Berniolles, L.M., 1991).
At the Big Slide, a number of narrow sub-parallel sheeted quartz veins are to be found, with southeast strikes and dips of 40-45 degrees to the southwest. These sheeted veins therefore have the same general attitude as the offsetting break for the Victoria vein. These veins carry gold and copper mineralization, with assays varying between 2 and 56 grams per tonne gold and low copper values (up to 0.72 per cent copper) over widths of 2 to 15 centimetres (samples Sk-91-61, 67, 69, 71, 72 and 75, Assessment Report 22007).
Refer to Skinner (092N 039) for further geological and work history details.