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File Created: 29-Aug-1985 by Allan Wilcox (AFW)
Last Edit:  29-Mar-2022 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name LORI, GOLDRANGE, LOOT 1-2 Mining Division Clinton
BCGS Map 092N057
Status Prospect NTS Map 092N10E
Latitude 051º 33' 04'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 124º 42' 42'' Northing 5712502
Easting 381325
Commodities Gold, Silver, Copper, Zinc Deposit Types I02 : Intrusion-related Au pyrrhotite veins
I01 : Au-quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Plutonic Rocks, Overlap Assemblage
Capsule Geology

The Lori occurrence is located in mountainous terrain north of Ottarasko Mountain. Interest began with the discovery of highly anomalous gold and copper values in quartz-rich float and talus in the area (up to 89 grams per tonne gold, Assessment Report 13150). Overall, however, in situ mineralization may be high but is erratic. The Lori occurrence encroaches on similar occurrences covered by the AT 3-4 (092N 057), HW (092N 058) and Champagne (092N 059) occurrences.

The area is underlain by Overlap assemblages and Cadwallader terrane near the northeastern margin of the Jurassic to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex, within a complex belt of folds and imbricated, gently southwest-dipping thrust sheets which also involve the overlap assemblage (Geological Survey of Canada Open File 1163, Map 1713A). The northeast-directed thrusting placed Upper Triassic (Carnian) and Lower Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary rocks over Lower Cretaceous (Hauterivian) sedimentary rocks (Geological Survey of Canada Open File 1163, Papers 88-1E, 89-1E; Geology 1991). The thrusting took place in the Late Cretaceous because the thrusts are cut by a quartz diorite intrusion dated at 68 million years by the uranium-lead method on zircon (Geological Survey of Canada Papers 88-1E, 91-2). The area of economic interest probably lies within the imbricated Upper Triassic and Lower Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The local geology probably involves more than one thrust sheet, but as thrusts were not recognized as such in the pertinent data sources, a structural interpretation of the local stratigraphy is not attempted here.

The Late Triassic to Cretaceous Eastern Waddington thrust belt imbricate zone host rock was formed from slices of 6 units the most significant being the Lower Cretaceous Cloud Drifter Formation (lKCD) consisting of sandstone, siltstone and minor conglomerate and the Lower Cretaceous Ottarasko Formation lKCD) consisting of basalts, andesites and rhyolite flows, tuffs and breccias. The other 4 units include, uTrMo, uTrlm, uTrsv and uTrMM units (see MapPlace geology).

Most of the area is underlain by locally hornfelsed and altered siltstone, mudstone and greywacke, with some fossiliferous sandy limestone, andesitic volcanic tuff or greenstone, volcanic breccia, and chert (Assessment Reports 13150, 17392). In one area, these rocks are intruded by a 15-metre thick, sill-like body of quartz monzonite, which is probably responsible for the hornfelsing; it is probably related to the Coast Plutonic Complex. The rocks are also intruded by fine-grained epidotized diorite and by dikes of feldspar porphyry, felsite, mafic porphyry, and hornblende lamprophyre.

Many of the rocks are well bedded, generally striking north and dipping gently to moderately west. No significant folding or shearing is reported. However, fracturing is common and locally intense, particularly in the quartz monzonite body; most fractures trend northwest, with some east-southeast, and dip steeply.

Most attention in the area has been given to a small grid called the "A zone". Mineralization here mainly occurs within the quartz monzonite intrusion, or around it in hornfelsed siltstone or greenstone (Assessment Report 13150). The intrusion is commonly fractured but virtually unaltered except for some oxidation. Sulphide mineralization in the intrusion and in the surrounding rocks is usually (but not always) associated with quartz or quartz- carbonate (calcite or ankerite) veins. It is also associated with zones of pyritic alteration or silicification. The quartz (+/- carbonate) veins are typically 5 to 10 centimetres thick, and may be traceable for a few metres; most trend northwest, with a subvertical or moderate dip to the west.

The sulphides occur as narrow veinlets, blebs or disseminations. Pyrite is generally present, locally accompanied by arsenopyrite or chalcopyrite; malachite and rare sphalerite are also reported (Assessment Reports 13150, 17392). Rock samples in the "A zone" generally contain less than 0.4 gram per tonne gold, but a few samples from a quartz-pyrite-arsenopyrite vein were assayed at between 1 and 20 grams per tonne gold, and at up to 3.8 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 13150). Copper analyses were up to 0.44 per cent in a malachite-bearing greenstone (Assessment Report 17392). Much higher values of gold and copper have been obtained from float blocks, which has sustained the interest in the area, but their source has not been identified.

Homestake found that mineralization in their area of interest (Lori (“A Zone”) (092N 047) was entirely restricted to quartz veins (this was in the eastern portion of the property). The veins contained pyrite and some arsenopyrite, the latter of which was found necessary if gold was present, even if the gold was not actually bonded in the arsenopyrite (Assessment Report 13150).

In 2021, Kingfisher Metals conducted geological mapping at the Lori prospect which revealed a similar setting to that of the Cloud Drifter trend (Langara, 092N 036) about 10 kilometres southeast where sedimentary rocks are intruded by a more competent intrusive. Veining occurs proximal to and within this intrusive. Additionally, mafic dikes occur near this contact and appear to have some effect on gold deposition. Ductile textures were identified in the field, placing the Lori Zone at a deeper depth than the Cloud Drifter Trend. Kingfisher collected 45 rock samples ranging from below detection limit to a maximum value of 88.35 grams per tonne gold (Press Release, Kingfisher Metals Corp., September 28, 2021). Additionally, rock sampling returned highly anomalous grades for bismuth and tellurium with values up to 0.06 per cent bismuth and 0.058 per cent tellurium. Backpack drilling was completed over 3 shallow holes (0.1 to 0.74 metre) with results including: 10.9 grams per tonne gold over 0.54 metre, 3.14 g grams per tonne gold over 0.74 metre, and 2.72 grams per tonne gold over 0.1 metre (Press Release, Kingfisher Metals Corp., September 28, 2021).


In July of 1983, Homestake Mineral Development Company worked a regional reconnaissance program that included the headwater areas of Ottarasko Creek. In August of that same year, Homestake returned to the area to follow up on a stream sediment anomaly, and the subsequent discovery of in-situ gold-bearing arsenopyrite mineralization led to the staking of several claims (Lori 1-4) (Assessment Report 13150). Twenty-five rock chip samples of both mineralized and unmineralized material were collected from the Lori 1 claim at various locations on the A Zone grid. Samples were collected using a rock hammer and a chisel. Some of the samples were continuous chips across mineralization and others were random chips from unmineralized rock. The claims were allowed to lapse in 1985.

In 1987 and 1988, Beaty Geological Ltd. was contracted by Equinox Resourses Ltd. to do prospecting, sampling, and air photo review on the Loot 1 and 2 claims (Assessment Report 17392, 18250). Nineteen rock and 10 soil samples were collected in 1987 and 72 rock and 30 silt samples were collected in 1988. The Loot claims covered the Lori occurrence.

In 1989, gold was found in association with copper in the central-to-western portion of the property by Berniolles on his HW1, HW4, and HW5 claims. Samples were taken from both float and bedrock, and this gold-with-copper was also almost always associated with quartz. He also noted the gold-with-arsenopyrite that Homestake found in the eastern claim areas. Refer to HW (092N 058) and HW9 (newly documented in 2022).

Between 1987 and 1994, Louis Berniolles staked and prospected the HW1, HW4, and HW5 claims to trace a possible northward extension of mineralization from claims he had worked to the south. Several new mineral occurrences were discovered, including copper-nickel sulphides in the Atwood area (just south of Ottarasko Mountain), areas of copper-rich quartz float, auriferous quartz veining, and several showings including of HW (“The Stack”) (092N 058), the Milk Can showing along the Blackhorn trend and the Champagne Vein (092N 059) in the Feeney area (as reported in Assessment Report 25551).

In 1997, claims OTR4 and OTR3 (among others) were explored by Blackhorn Gold Mines Ltd. Detailed mapping and sampling was conducted on the Blackhom Vein, Champagne Vein and at the Galena and Milk Can showings. A total of 163 rock samples were collected for analysis (Assessment Report 25551).

Also, in 2009 Adam Travis (with Cazador Resources Ltd.) explored the “Blackhorn East” claims about 4 to 5 kilometres east of the Blackhorn property at the Lori showing (092N 047), the Champagne vein (092N 059) and surrounding area (Assessment Report 31382). Sampling was focused on the origin of previous mineralized float samples.

The 2010 prospecting and sampling program was completed (Assessment Report 32152). A total of 107 sediment samples (talus fines, silts, till, soils and moss mats) were taken. A total of 119 rock samples were taken with about 114 sent for analyses. Samples were collected in the Lori showing and several other areas but with the exception of the Blackhorn Vein, no other high grade bedrock vein has been located.

In 2018, DSM Syndicate Holdings Ltd. collected 25 rock samples on their New Strike property. Thre occurrence occur on the New Strike including the Homestake (092N 035), Champagne (092N 059) and Lori (092N 047).

In 2021, a total of 214 rock samples and 2604 soil and talus fine samples were collected on the Goldrange property of Kinfisher Metals Corp which contained most of the occurrences in the area since 2020. Backpack drilling of shallow holes was completed at the Lori, Langara, Lost Fiddle, and Lotus zones. Other showings are such as Razorback, Day Trip and CD North were visited. Geological mapping was completed along ridge and spur traverses in addition to select targets.

See Blackhorn Mountain (092N 019) for related geological and work history details. Also refer to Langara (092N 036) for details of the Kingfisher Metals Corp. Goldrange property which encompassed all the areas previously held as the Blackhorn, AT, HW and/or the OTR claims.

EMPR EXPL 1983-340; 1988-C129
EMPR ASS RPT *13150, *17392, 18250, 25551, 31382, 32152, *37886, 39459, 39734
EMPR PF (Berniolles, L.M. (1991): Letter)
EMPR PFD 673099
GSC OF 1163
GSC P 68-33; 88-1E, pp. 185-190; 89-1E, pp. 163-167; 91-2, pp. 109-113
GSC MAP 5-1968; 1713A
GSA GEOLOGY 1991, pp. 941-944
PR REL Kingisher Metals Corp. Mar.*31, Apr.*14, *21, May *13, Jul. 7, Aug.*9, Sep.2, *28, Oct. *6, Nov.*16, 2021 Jan.*12, Feb.*1, Mar.*2, *9, 2022