The Blue 44 occurrence is located in the southern head waters of Waukwaas Creek, approximately 4.5 kilometres south east of Sarah Lake.
The area is underlain by the Upper Triassic Vancouver Group, Karmutsen Formation which is comprised mainly of a thick sequence of tholeiitic basalts. Regional north and northeast trending faults crosscut the volcanics (Geological Survey of Canada Map 4-1974).
The occurrence is described as being similar to the Blue 1 and 2 claims (MINFILE 092L 232) and consists of disseminated chalcopyrite and bornite in andesite and basalt of the Upper Triassic Vancouver Group, Karmutsen Formation.
The disseminated copper mineralization reportedly occurs on the west side of the Blue 44 claims (Assessment Report 1662).
In 1968, Alpha Mines completed a program of soil sampling and prospecting on the area as the Blue claims.