The Kyu occurrence is located on the northeastern side of the Malksope River, approximately 5 kilometres northeast of the river mouth.
The region is underlain by Lower Jurassic Bonanza Group intermediate to felsic flows and pyroclastics. Minor calcareous sediments of the Upper Triassic Parson Bay and Quatsino formations of the Vancouver Group are in fault contact with the volcanic rocks. A diorite stock of the Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite. occurs at the head of Kashutl Inlet, 5.0 kilometres to the northeast.
The Kyu occurrence (Kyu claims, Minister of Mines Annual Report 1969, page 215) is believed to be the same as the "C" zone of Assessment Report 15521, where a swarm of quartz and quartz carbonate veins are found over an area of 100 metres wide and 500 metres long. The veins occupy an east trending fracture zone in an assemblage of silicified limestone and basalt. A flow banded quartz-eye rhyodacite dike has intruded the fracture zone prior to the veining and alteration event, and locally hosts well developed stockwork veining. Within the fracture zone, extensive pyrite, quartz and carbonate alteration are present.
Three vein trends are recognized: east and southeast attitudes, dipping vertically or steeply north, and south-southwest, with a shallow east dip. Most of the veins consist of multiple bands of quartz, with variable quantities of re-cemented quartz-breccia. Other veins contain quartz-carbonate bands. One vein carries 0.5 to 2.0 per cent combined galena-sphalerite, but most contain only traces of sulphides.
Two of the eight major veins carry significant gold values: 1) The vein of sample 1028 assays 5.2 grams per tonne gold and 14.1 grams per tonne silver over 2 metres. 2) The vein at 51+00N, 51+00E returned a weighted average gold equivalent grade of 10.97 grams per tonne from 24 samples; the footwall stringer zone assayed 8.5 grams per tonne gold. A minimum strike length of 55 metres is indicated (Assessment Report 15521, pages 10,11).
Surface sampling and short hole percussion drilling in 1987 on the C Vein returned values averaging 5.1 grams per tonne gold and 34.3 grams per tonne silver. Highest values were 16.5 grams per tonne gold and 3874.8 grams per tonne silver (Vancouver Stockwatch Nov.19, 1987).
The C-2 zone is located approximately 300 metres up slope of the main āCā zone. It is up to 100 metres wide, trending east-southeast and is characterized by en echelon banded quartz carbonate veins and quartz stringers. Individual veins, within the C-2 zone, are up to 6 metres wide and 60 metres long with a moderate dip to the northeast. In 1988, grab sampling (samples 34530 and 34531) of sulphide rich veins yielded values up to 31.7 grams per tonne gold, 9,800 grams per tonne silver, 1.3 per cent copper, 15.2 per cent zinc and greater than 1 per cent mercury (Assessment Report 19462).
Work History
In 1970, the Kyuquot Syndicate completed a program of reconnaissance silt and soil sampling on the area as the Easy claims. In 1982, BP Minerals Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping and rock sampling on the area as the Sin 1-7 claims. During 1986 through 1989, Taywin Resources completed programs of geological mapping, geochemical sampling, trenching and 8 diamond drill holes, totalling 304.9 metres, on the area as the Sin 1-7 claims.