The Patmore occurrence is located on north facing slopes, south of Amai Inlet. Three adits are exposed at 437, 497 and 531 metres in elevation.
The region is underlain by flows and pyroclastics of the Lower Jurassic Bonanza Group which are intruded by granitic rocks of the Late Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite. The contacts between the intrusive phases are mostly transitional. Contacts with the volcanics can be sharp fault contacts or transitional zones, up to 130 metres wide. Post-intrusive aplite and lamprophyre dikes cut both granitic and volcanic rocks. Faults, shear zones, veins and dikes follow three main orientations: 010 to 025 degrees and 150 to 170 degrees, both steeply dipping to the east, and a 90- to 135-degree set, with shallow southerly dips. Chloritic alteration on fault and shear planes is common.
The Patmore occurrence lies in a creek that occupies a major 025-degree trending fault zone. The occurrence is underlain by medium-grained equigranular hornblende granodiorite, locally grading to tonalite. Near the Number 3 adit, a quartz-eye porphyritic phase is in sharp contact with the main granodiorite. In the creek area, felsic dikes trending 025 degrees are aphanitic and range from dacitic to rhyolitic composition. Mafic dikes trend 025 to 065 degrees, are comprised of andesitic to lamprophyric composition, and range from grey-green to dark green in color.
The mineralization is contained in two dike-fault structures that have been traced over 300 metres horizontally and 150 metres vertically. Mineralization consists of pyrite with limonite and gold tellurides (tetradymite, sylvanite) and minor sphalerite, chalcopyrite and malachite.
A mafic dike and the fault's footwall are explored in adits 1, 2 and 3, while a felsic dike and the hangingwall are exposed in a parallel drift in the Number 1 adit.
The felsic dike in the Number 1 adit is, in part, strongly fractured and silicified. Within the dike there are several steep 0.3 to 1.5 metre wide, en echelon gold-quartz-pyrite-limonite veins. No significant gold values are reported from the pinching and swelling fault gouge zone associated with the mafic dike in the parallel drift of the same adit. In 1978, a rock chip sample (No. 1003) assayed 30.8 grams per tonne gold over 1 metre (Assessment Report 7062). In 1985, the mean value of 4 assays was 4.6 grams per tonne gold over 1.5 metres (Assessment Report 14369, page 19).
The Number 2 adit, located 90 metres south of Number 1 adit, follows a steep east dipping one metre wide mafic dike in unaltered granodiorite. The fault gouge zone in the hangingwall and within the dike contains pinching and swelling comb-structure quartz-pyrite-gold- limonite and ranges from 5 to 50 centimetres in width. Gold values are restricted to the narrow quartz-pyrite zones. In 1985, the mean of 10 samples at the face of the adit was 17.3 grams per tonne gold over 1.0 metre (Assessment Report 14369, page 19).
At the Number 3 adit, 140 metres south of the first, the same fault-dike system is explored. Here, it is narrow and strongly anastomosing, ranging in width from 2 to 30 centimetres, with local quartz-pyrite-gold mineralization. Strongly fractured granodiorite hosting the structure is unmineralized. In 1985, the mean of eight face samples averaged 3.4 grams per tonne gold over a 1.0 metre width (Assessment Report 14369, page 19).
In 1941, a 210 metre later underground exploration program, on three levels (90 metres vertically), outlined five narrow zones of native gold-pyrite-quartz mineralization. Detailed channel sampling of the zones yielded an average grade of 53.14 grams per tonne gold over 0.22 metres for a cumulative strike length of 69 metres (Assessment Report 14369). The same year, a 98-kilogram test shipment, from the Eclipse occurrence, yielded an average of 142.2 grams per tonne gold, 6.9 grams per tonne silver, 0.60 per cent lead and 0.03 per cent tellurium (Assessment Report 14744).
In 1986, diamond drilling intersected the structure below the levels of the adits. Samples assayed up to 51.02 grams per tonne gold over 3.58 metres (Assessment Report 15079, Figure 6). Other intercepts were much lower over very narrow widths.
Anomalous values of gold have been identified in heavy sediment and rock samples from creeks over an area of up to 4 kilometres to the east of the occurrence (Assessment Report 15079).
Work History
During 1938 through 1944, a total of 183 metres of underground drifting was completed on three adits. In 1941 a test shipment of 98 kilograms was shipped from the Eclipse occurrence to a government sampling plant in Prince Rupert. It is unknown if the report refers to this occurrence or the nearby Eclipse (MINFILE 092L 101). In 1978, a prospecting program of rock and soil sampling and minor trenching was completed on the area as the Amai Gold property. In 1985, Cal-Denver Resources completed a program of heavy mineral, rock and soil sampling on the area. In 1985 and 1986, Cortez Explorations completed programs of geological mapping, geochemical sampling and diamond drilling on the area. In 1987, Thomson Gold Co. Limited completed a program diamond drilling and sampling on the area as the Amai Gold property. In 2014, a photo-geological interpretation program was completed on the area as the Patmore property. In 2017, New Sunro Copper Ltd. prospected the Patmore property.