The Humming Bird-Romana Copper showing is located on the north side of Goat Island on Powell Lake.
The showing was extensively worked in the late 1920s including numerous opencuts, a gloryhole and 2 tunnels exceeding a total of 183 metres. Romano Copper Mines Ltd. acquired Hummingbird and nine other claims in 1928. The Hummingbird claim was Crown granted in 1929. A tramway was constructed in 1928. Tunnels were driven in 1929 and 1930. The property lay dormant until 1983 when explored by Corinth Resources. In 1988, Ashworth Explorations Ltd. conducted a geochemical exploration program on the Humming Bird (Lot 4815a) Reverted Crown grant and Clover claims covering the property. The property was owned by J. Fleishman.
The area of interest consists of a roof pendant which forms a 100-metre wide belt of highly altered volcanic and sedimentary rocks unconformably overlying diorite, quartz diorite and granodiorite of the Cretaceous Coast Plutonic Complex. The apparent strike of the belt, thought to be part of the Lower Cretaceous Gambier Group, is about 220 degrees.
Within this roof pendant is a contact metamorphosed zone containing garnetite, epidote and mineralization. The mineralization, manifested by rusty zones and malachite stain, consists of pods, streaks, veins and lenses of massive sulphides composed of varying proportions of pyrite and chalcopyrite. Most samples were moderately magnetic, and magnetite was identified in some specimens.
The best silver values occur in the opencut from which previous ore shipments were made. In 1983, a chip sample over unknown length assayed 17.40 per cent copper and 320.17 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 11884). Eight rock chip samples were taken during property exploration in 1988. Sample CL88-R2 yielded 3.08 per cent copper, 52.80 grams per tonne silver and 0.27 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 18531). The sample was a 100-centimetre chip sample across malachite stained, heavily altered metavolcanics striking 160 degrees and dipping vertical.
One hundred and forty tonnes of ore are quoted as being mined and shipped several years before 1928 assaying 8 to 11 per cent copper, 240 to 685 grams per tonne silver and minor gold (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1928).