The Bluebird copper occurrence is located on the southern half of Steep Island within Gowland Harbour of Quadra (formerly Valdes) Island. Numerous cuts and shallow pits cover an area of about 183 metres long by 83 metres wide. The occurrence is situated in a series of Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation flat-lying ash beds or flows of andesitic to basaltic composition. The beds have a slight dip towards the south or southeast and vary in texture from a porous amygdaloidal structure to a fine-grained compact rock. The minerali- zation, chalcocite, occurs along zones of shearing or faulting. It occurs disseminated as small particles throughout the rock, varying in quantity according to the porous nature, and in a more concen- trated form as replacement fillings of amygdaloidal cavities.
A shipment of unknown size was made from the Bluebird occurrence in 1909 to the Tyee smelter with the following result: 3.06 per cent copper and 15.08 grams per tonne silver (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1914, page 382). A certain amount of selecting may have been done to raise the grade of the shipment since all other assay values fall below this grade.