The Number 2 adit is located along the south side of Brandywine Creek approximately three kilometres northwest of Brandywine Falls in the Pacific Ranges.
The showing lies along the western edge of the Callaghan Creek roof pendant comprising Lower Cretaceous Gambier Group volcanic and sedimentary rocks in contact with a dioritic phase of the Jurassic to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex. Felsitic porphyry dykes which intrude Gambier Group rocks are probably later than the diorite pluton.
The adit was driven in chlorite schist where scattered streaks of pyrite and sphalerite occur in somewhat silicified country rocks, associated with shear planes striking 150 degrees and dipping 70 degrees southwest. Approximately 60 metres southwest of the adit, a quartz lens, up to 1.5 metres wide, is hosted by sericite schist. A selected sample from the adit assayed 0.34 grams per tonne gold, 37.7 grams per tonne silver and 10.5 per cent zinc (Property File - O'Grady, 1936).