The main Short O'Bacon showing is hosted in greenstone, probably of the Upper Triassic Pioneer Formation (Cadwallader Group) near its contact with serpentinite of the President Ultramafic (correlative with the Permian and older Shulaps Ultramafic Complex). Mississippian to Jurassic Bridge River Complex (Group) cherts and argillites and Upper Triassic Noel Formation (Cadwallader Group) argillites are exposed to the east and south.
The vein is in a shear zone striking northwest and dipping steeply, containing quartz and sheared greenstone with quartz stringers. The vein has been followed for 150 metres and a possible extension may parallel the serpentine belt along Carl Creek. A possible convergence with the BRJ 1 vein (092JNE136) located to the southwest has been suggested.
Directly east of the Short O'Bacon adit is another vein on the east bank of Carl Creek in a wide shear zone, also in Pioneer greenstone near the serpentinite contact. The rock is talcose and highly sheared and contains abundant mariposite and cubic pyrite. A 30-centimetre quartz vein is sparingly mineralized with pyrite and a little gold. About 200 metres west of the Short O'Bacon vein is another greenstone-hosted vein-shear striking southeast and dipping steeply west. Sericite, chlorite and iron sulphides occur in approximately 1.2 metres of quartz. Surficial gold values are reported to be low.