The Holland (L.7258,7079) occurrence is located at an elevation of 1500 metres, approximately 750 metres west of Nomad Creek.
The area is underlain by Mississippian to Jurassic meta- sediments of the Bridge River Complex (Group) including thinly bedded cherts, argillites and quartzites with small lenticular masses of andesite (possibly dikes?). Greenstones of the Upper Triassic Pioneer Formation, Cadwallader Group, are faulted against the metasediments, which are intruded by granitic rock of the Cretaceous to Tertiary Bendor pluton, approximately 1 kilometre east.
Locally, five quartz-calcite veins are reported in the east- trending Holland adit. The veins occur along fissures in greenstone and at the contact between greenstone and quartzite. The veins contain sparse sulphides and talc and the wall rocks are heavily charged with pyrite. The veins have an average width of 0.6 metre but are inconsistent and pinch out in soft sheared argillite.
In 1935, sampling on the adit, performed by Cairnes, assayed 5.14 grams gold per tonne across 0.6 metre and for a distance of 9.0 metres (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 213).
In 1985, a chip sample over a 0.8 metre wide quartz vein from the adit assayed 5.9 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 14621). The following year, a sample from the Holland adit, assayed 1.54 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 15415).
Another vein is reported on the Ruby Fraction, to the south east. The vein strikes to the north west with a low north easterly dip and varies from 0.3 to 1.8 metres in width over a length of 22.5 metres. The vein has been explored by short adits and trenches. No appreciable values were found during sampling performed by Carnes in 1935 (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 213).
The Holland (L.7258, 7079) claims were staked in the early 1930’s and over the next decade underground development, totalling 69 metres, was completed on the Holland and Riel veins. In 1979, the area was acquired by Tarbo Resources. In 1981, Texacana Resources prospected the area as the Nomad claim. During 1985 through 1987, Unicorn Resources Ltd. completed programs of rock and soil sampling on the area. In 1991, a ground magnetometer survey was completed on the Ruby Fraction. In 2013, BCT Mining Corp., on the behalf of Discovery Ventures Inc., completed a program of geological and structural mapping on the area as the Gold property.