Mississippian to Jurassic Bridge River Complex (Group) metasediments and closely associated Upper Triassic Pioneer Formation (Cadwallader Group) mafic volcanics (greenstone) are tightly folded with east-west trending subvertical axial planes. Granites and diorites of the Permian Bralorne Igneous Complex and a narrow talc-altered serpentine belt (President Ultramafics correlative with the Permian and older Shulaps Ultramafic Complex) intrude the metasediments.
Irregular, 0.5-metre-wide quartz veins and lenses parallel the enclosing metasediments and contain albite, pyrrhotite and small amounts of stibnite, arsenopyrite and pyrite. The Native Son vein is reported to be exposed approximately 200 metres south of the adit. Samples were reported to assay up to 23.31 grams per tonne silver and traces of gold (National Mineral Inventory 092J15 Au15).