The B & B showing is located in outcrop at the headwaters of Conte Creek, 11.5 kilometres northwest of Lytton and 3.6 kilometres east of the Fraser River.
The area is underlain by Triassic Mount Lytton Complex intrusives comprising dioritic rocks in gradational contact with mylonite, amphibolite and layered sequences of anorthosite, granodiorite and gabbro. These are intruded by andesite dykes and quartz diorite intrusions.
Minor disseminated chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite associated with pyrite and malachite staining occurs in quartz veins in fractured potassic and pyritic gabbro. Disseminated bornite and pyrite occur throughout the gabbro. Chlorite, epidote and sericite are seen in fractures. Limonitic gossanous zones occur locally.
Other rocks on the property; diabase dikes, quartz diorite and granodiorite, are devoid of mineralization.
Between 1970 and 1973, Kerr Addison Mines completed various exploration programs which identified a copper soil anomaly and later a zone of low-grade copper enrichment in thermally altered sediments. The area was explored as part of the Pharoh and Spences Bridge properties in 2005 and 2007.