The Ture 4-5 occurrence is located southeast of the eastern end of Pimainus Lake.
The area is underlain by Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Triassic Guichon Creek Batholith Bethsaida phase granodiorites.
Locally, a trench on the western edge of the Ture 5 claim exposes a 1.5-metre wide, northeast striking, fault zone hosting a discontinuous and thin (less than 1 centimetre wide) seam or streak of bornite with minor malachite and trace molybdenite in a chloritized granodiorite. Hematite alteration is also reported. Another zone of disseminated bornite mineralization in a Bethsaida granodiorite, also exposed by trenches, is reported to the northeast on the Ture 4 claim.
Work History
At least five trenches of unknown age are reported on the claims. In 1966, Minex Development completed a program of soil sampling and a magnetometer survey on the area as the Li 1-6 claims. In 1969, Red Rock Mines examined the area and completed a soil sampling program on the area as the Ture 1-6 claims.
In 1970, Keevil Mining Group Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping, soil sampling, trenching and ground electromagnetic and seismic surveys on the area as the Lake, Laken, Ples and Spot claims.
In 1980, Lornex Mining Corp. Ltd. completed 20 percussion drill holes, totalling 2127.5 metres, and one diamond drill hole, totalling 148 metres, on the area as the Bear, Dawn and J.D.G. claims. The following year, 14 percussion drill holes, totalling 1624.6 metres, were completed on the Dawn, Lynn and Bear claims. No drilling was performed on the occurrence.