The Blue Jay occurrence is located south of Godey Creek and approximately 5.5 kilometres east of Iron Mountain.
The western belt of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group is comprised of calc-alkaline flows grading upward into pyroclastics, epiclastic sediments and limestone. The property is underlain by dark grey to green andesitic to basaltic flows which vary from massive to plagioclase-porphyritic and/or amygdaloidal, and volcanic breccia. The volcanics are intercalated with limestone and argillite. Approximately 500 metres east of the Blue Jay showing is a northeast trending regional fault which marks the eastern boundary of the western belt.
Nicola Group rocks are locally intensely altered and contain disseminated native copper, chalcocite and chalcopyrite.
Work History
In 1967, Valnicola Copper Mines Ltd. completed six drill holes, totalling 600 metres, on the occurrence. No results of this work are known.
In 1968, Ashland Oil Company optioned the property and completed a program of geological mapping and geophysical (induced polarization and magnetometer) surveys.
In 1995, Cambridge Minerals Ltd. completed an 834.0 line-kilometre airborne magnetic and electromagnetic survey on the area as the SK 1-16 claims.