The Clap occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1470 metres on a west-facing slope, east of Helmer Lake and approximately 2.5 kilometres west of Mount Mabel.
The Helmer Lake area is underlain by a dioritic phase of the Lower Jurassic Nicola Batholith intruding Upper Triassic Nicola Group andesitic to basaltic flow rocks and volcaniclastics to the west. On the Clap occurrence the diorite has been subdivided into hornblende diorite, biotite diorite and quartz-biotite diorite, with gradational contacts between them. The diorites have a variably strong foliation striking southeast and dipping 50 to 75 degrees to the south. A distinct shearing and jointing is oriented at 020 degrees and has a steep west dip. Biotite is a retrograde metamorphic product of hornblende in parts of the area. The diorite is weakly chloritized along shear zones and one major zone of chloritization and kaolinization occurs along the southwestern contact of the diorites with the country rock. The diorites are intruded by plagioclase porphyry, aplite and pegmatite dikes paralleling the fracture and/or foliation directions.
Locally, scattered quartz veins, up to 15 centimetres in width, with some calcite, epidote, chlorite and hornblende are hosted in a chloritized and kaolinized biotite-hornblende diorite. The veins contain small amounts of chalcocite, chalcopyrite, bornite, malachite and rare molybdenite as disseminated blebs. The veins trend at approximately 020 and 120 degrees.
In 1975, other zones of chalcopyrite and malachite mineralization were reported several hundred metres north-northwest of the main zone on the Clap 5 claim, approximately 600 metres northeast of the main zone on the Clap 8 claim, approximately 400 metres south of the main zone on the Cap 3 claim and approximately 1000 metres east-southeast of the main zone on the Clap 14 claim.
Work History
In 1970, Ronrico Explorations Ltd. completed a program of soil sampling and a 61.1 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey on the area as the Smokie claims. Also at this time, Richrock Mines Ltd. completed a 22.6 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey on the area as the ST claims.
In 1975 and 1976, Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping and geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling on the area as the Clap 1-19 claims. Grab samples of the vein material from the main zone yielded greater than 0.4 per cent copper and up to 0.5 per cent molybdenum (Assessment Report 5678).
In 2004, Gitennes Exploration Inc. completed a program of geological mapping, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling and a 1.1 line-kilometre resistivity survey on the area as the Clap and Terry claims of the Fox South property.
In 2013, Argentex Mining Corp. completed a program of prospecting, geological mapping and rock sampling on the area as the Argie 13-15 claims. A rock sample (157953) of vein material from the main zone area yielded 0.301 per cent copper and 2.4 grams per tonne silver, whereas a rock sample (157952) of vein material taken approximately 700 metres south-southeast of the main zone yielded 0.316 per cent copper and 3.5 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 34566).