The Sid 39 occurrence is situated near Baldie Creek, north of the Nicola River and approximately 14 kilometres northwest of Merritt.
Upper Triassic Nicola Group rocks exposed on Promontory Hills are intruded by the Lower Jurassic Guichon Creek Batholith to the north and the Coyle stock to the south and are unconformably overlain by the Cretaceous Spences Bridge and Kingsvale groups to the west and east, respectively. The Nicola Group rocks comprise a large, slightly overturned, subisoclinal anticline that plunges gently northeast. Several faults strike northwest. Copper mineralization occurs at the contact of the Nicola Group volcanics and the granitic Coyle stock. The Nicola Group rocks are northeast-trending, dark-green to black tuffaceous and fragmental andesites that are moderately chloritized and epidotized. The Coyle stock is a pink leucocratic granite with less than 5 per cent (by volume) chloritized hornblende, biotite and disseminated magnetite. Feldspar porphyry, diorite and quartz diorite are marginal intrusive phases. Quartz and carbonate veining with associated specularite is characteristic of the Coyle stock and is believed to be related to late-stage Nicola Group volcanism.
The contact of the Nicola Group and the Coyle stock has chilled margins, with fine-grained rhyolite dikes present. Tuffs and fragmental rocks are hornfelsed and silicified to quartzofeldspathic hornfels, gneisses and chlorite or sericite schists. This unit is mineralized with specularite, chalcopyrite and minor amounts of pyrite, bornite and malachite. Specks of tourmaline are also evident.
Work History
In 1958, Centennial Mines Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping and a 41.5 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey on the area as the Cap and PCM claims. Also at this time, a 68.5 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey was completed on the area immediately south of the occurrence as the P.L. 1-48 claims. This work identified five distinct magnetic anomalies.
In 1960, Britmont Mines completed a program of geological mapping and soil sampling on the area as the PCM claims. In 1969, London Pride Silver completed a program of soil sampling, geological mapping and 44.0 line-kilometres of ground magnetic and induced polarization surveys on the area as the Pride property.
In 1972, a program of soil sampling was completed on the area as the Chalco claims. In 1975, a further program of geological mapping and geochemical (rock and soil) sampling was completed on the Chalco claims.
In 2013, Dot Resources Ltd. completed a ground electromagnetic survey on the area as the Promontory Hills property. The following year, a program of geological photo interpretation was completed.
In 2015, the Sid occurrence was covered by the Promontory Hills property, which was owned by Guy and Christopher Delorme. That year, a 10.7 line-kilometre magnetometer survey was carried out over two claims covering the PL (MINFILE 092ISE042) and Sid occurrences. In 2016, Christopher Delorme completed an 8 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey on the Promontory Hills property.