The Chatko occurrence is located north of Godey Creek, approximately 5.5 kilometres south east of Merritt.
The western belt of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group is comprised of a northeast trending sequence of calc-alkaline flows grading upward into pyroclastics, epiclastic sediments and limestone. The property is underlain primarily by andesitic, dacitic and to a lesser extent, rhyolitic flows and breccia. Flow rocks vary from massive to porphyritic and/or amygdaloidal. They are cut by intermediate to felsic intrusions and intercalated with limestone, volcanic sandstone and tuff. The carbonate unit is comprised of light grey massive limestone lenses and bands parallel to primary bedding. Its contacts with wall rocks are sharp. Bedding strikes north to northeast and dips gently southeast. A major fault zone trends northwest along Godey Creek, 400 metres west of the Chatko showing. On the property, faulting, fracturing and silicification are evident.
The principal mineral showing consists of a semi-concordant, northeast trending skarn zone 65 by 35 metres. It is hosted by limestone and calc-silicate units and is underlain directly by rhyolitic pyroclastic rocks. Mineralization consists of massive and disseminated magnetite, with veins and seams of chalcopyrite and hematite. Chalcopyrite occurs as blebs along contacts, in irregular magnetite masses, or disseminated in host rock adjacent to the veins. Other skarn minerals are epidote, specular hematite, pyrite, quartz and calcite.
Work History
Trenches and a short, 1.5 metre long, adit were developed on the occurrence in the early 1900s.
In 1959, a 11.0 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey was completed on the area as the BO and MS claims.
In 1969, Iiyama Mines completed a program of geological mapping, soil sampling and a 71.5 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey on the area as the Boy/Chatko property.
In 1977, Betina Resources Inc. completed a 11.0 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey on the area as the JJ claim. The following year, Cominco Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping and a 17.8 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey on the area as the Gofar property.
In 1980, a program of geological mapping was completed on the occurrence.
In 1983 and 1985, Tamara Resources Inc. completed ground magnetic surveys on the area as the SS claim. Also at in 1983, Ajay Resources completed a program of soil sampling and a ground magnetic survey on the area immediately south east of the occurrence as the Mar claim.
In 1995, Cambridge Minerals Ltd. completed an 834.0 line-kilometre airborne magnetic and electromagnetic survey on the area as the SK 1-16 claims.