The Bag (West Zone) occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 910 metres on a southeast-facing slope, northwest of Stump Lake and approximately 2.1 kilometres northwest of Mineral Hill.
The area is underlain by interbedded volcanics, volcaniclastics and sediments of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group. The north-trending belt is bounded by the Quilchena fault to the west and the Stump Lake fault to the east. The Nicola Group rocks are dark green, amygdaloidal andesite-basalt; feldspar porphyry; fine-grained, light grey rhyolite; lapilli tuff; coarse-grained, massive andesite with gabbroic zones; polymictic volcanic breccia-agglomerate and black, aphanitic, well-bedded argillite with pervasive iron oxide staining. This sequence forms the western limb of a northeast-trending syncline. To the southwest, rhyolites and tuffs have undergone argillic alteration.
Locally, kaolinite-group clay minerals occur on either side of a quartz-chalcedony–sheeted vein system up to 5 metres wide that has been exposed intermittently over a strike length of 325 metres. This vein structure has been proposed to be the strike extension of the Enterprise mine (MINFILE 092ISE028), 2 kilometres to the southeast. Fine-grained andesite and feldspar porphyry units, and discontinuous quartz-carbonate veining, occurs in a zone of brecciation, fracturing, silicification, pyritization (1 to 2 per cent) and weak iron oxide staining. This zone is up to 200 metres in width along the full lengths of these units (2200 metres). At the northern end of the system, numerous narrow steeply dipping quartz-chalcedony veins with variable orientations can be traced for distances up to 1200 metres.
Grab samples of quartz and quartz-chalcedony veins associated with andesites returned values up to 0.88 gram per tonne gold, 3.7 grams per tonne silver, 0.011 per cent molybdenum and 0.016 per cent copper (Assessment Report 11719).
Work History
In 1983, Canadian Nickel Company Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping, geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling and ground geophysical (magnetic and electromagnetic) surveys on the area as the Bag 1-2 claims. The following year, Goldbrae Developments Ltd. completed a program of magnetic, electromagnetic and induced polarization surveys on the Bag 1-2 and Anderson 1-6 claims. In 1987, Lectus Developments Ltd. optioned the claims and completed three diamond drill holes, totalling 616.15 metres.
During 1991 through 1996, Canquest Resources Corp. completed programs of geological mapping, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling and single, 1168.9-metre, diamond drill hole on the area.
In 2006 and 2007, Totem Minerals Inc. completed programs of prospecting, geological mapping and geochemical (rock and soil) sampling on the area as the Microgold property.