The Pat occurrence is located immediately west of Roscoe Lake.
The area lies on the eastern side of the Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Guichon Creek Batholith. The area is underlain primarily by Skeena variety granodiorite, which is transitional in composition and texture between the older Bethlehem phase to the east and the younger Bethsaida phase to the west. The rocks are intruded by occasional fine- to medium-grained north-trending aplite dikes. The intrusive contacts are parallel to north-northwest and north-northeast–trending, steeply dipping faults and are offset by joints at right angles. Although much of the area is covered by drift, considerable outcrop is found between Roscoe and Knight (Echo) lakes.
At the Pat showing, trace amounts of alteration minerals include sericite, chlorite, epidote and kaolinite, which appear to occur in erratic patches. Chalcopyrite, bornite and molybdenite form thin veneers on joint plane surfaces. Minor bornite occurs in a quartz stringer near an aplite dike.
Work History
In 1956 and 1957, Udd-Ramsey Syndicate completed programs of geological mapping, soil sampling and a 60.4 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey on the area as the Pat claims.
In 1968, Pathfinder Uranium and Nickel Mines Ltd. completed a program of soil sampling, a 7.3 line-kilometre induced polarization survey and a 23.0 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey on the area as the Price and Ruby claims. In 1970, a 6.5 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey was completed on the Price claims. Three diamond drillholes were completed on the Price claims in 1971. In 1972, a further program of soil sampling, geological mapping and a 66.3 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey was completed on the Price and Ruby claims.
Also during 1970 through 1974, Highmont Mining Corp. Ltd. completed programs of soil sampling, geological mapping, trenching and a ground magnetic survey on the area immediately south of the occurrence as the Pen claims.
In 1999, Highland Valley Mines completed a 24.7 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the area immediately southwest of the occurrence as the Sku-Leo property. The following year, a 160.0 line-kilometre induced polarization survey was completed on the property.
During 2008 through 2012, Happy Creek Minerals Ltd. completed programs of diamond drilling and geophysical surveys on the area as the Rateria property.
During 2013 through 2019, Happy Creek Minerals Ltd. completed programs of geological mapping, geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling, a 32.3 line-kilometre induced polarization survey and re-interpretation of historical airborne geophysical data on the area as part of the Rateria-West Valley property.
Also during 2018 through 2020, Mascot Capital Inc. completed programs of prospecting, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling, 3D compilations of historical magnetic data and an 8.0 line-kilometre seismic survey on the area as the Gnawed Mountain property.
In 2020, Teck Highland Valley Copper Corp. completed an induced polarization survey on the area.