The property lies within the Early Jurassic-Late Triassic Guichon Creek batholith and straddles an intrusive contact where younger Bethlehem phase rocks form an irregular embayment in older Guichon variety rocks. Both types are medium-grained granodiorite to quartz diorite. Outcrops indicate that the Bethlehem Copper (Simons) occurrence area is underlain by Guichon quartz diorite which is altered, malachite-stained and brecciated.
Mineralization consists of masses of copper carbonates and disseminations and irregular seams of chalcopyrite, bornite and some chalcocite. Mineralization is apparently controlled by a fault zone striking 345 degrees and dipping steeply westward and is exposed along this trend for 18.2 metres. Malachite occurs as films on joint planes.