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File Created: 03-Mar-1998 by George Owsiacki (GO)
Last Edit:  17-Jan-2025 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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BCGS Map 092I082
Status Showing NTS Map 092I13W
Latitude 050º 48' 06'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 46' 26'' Northing 5628486
Easting 586401
Commodities Copper, Zinc Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Cache Creek, Methow
Capsule Geology

The SALLUS CREEK (NORTH) showing is located on a southwest-facing ridge above the north arm of Sallus Creek, approximately 4 kilometres north of the SALLUS No.1 showing, 9 kilometres northeast of the junction of Highway 99 and Fountain Valley Road and 17 kilometres northeast of Lillooet.

The Sallus Creek area is underlain by the western contact of the Early Jurassic Mount Martley stock which intrudes the Middle Permian to Middle Jurassic(?) Western belt of the Cache Creek Complex. The stock is a medium to coarse-grained, massive granodiorite with local secondary silicification and sercitization near the contacts. Cache Creek rocks comprise argillite and limestone. Pervasive quartz veins and aplite dikes are found within the stock near the contact. Intense thermal alteration of the sediments is evident near the contact of the stock. Limestone, in part, is totally recrystallized. Intense pyritization of the argillites is observed near the contacts, evidenced on surface by rust colouration and gossans.

At the Sallus Creek (North showing), samples from gossanous and weathered argillite yielded from 0.2 to 2.0 per cent zinc and 0.02 to 0.25 per cent copper, with moderately high contents of lead, silver and molybdenum (Assessment Report 4796). Diamond drilling indicates intense surface weathering and oxidation to depths of 30 metres. Below this altered horizon, pyrite is abundant (2-5 per cent).

About 2.5 kilometres south-southwest of the North showing, a plug of gossanous, weathered and altered diorite and quartz diorite intrudes argillite. This plug has a very irregular contact, approximately 914 metres long by 609 metres wide, and is probably genetically related to the Mount Martley stock, 1.6 kilometres to the east. Pyrite is abundantly disseminated and smeared along fracture faces throughout the diorite. Very fine traces of native copper have been recognized in the highly weathered diorite. Malachite stain is evident in the argillite.

Following the discovery of highly anomalous silts from Sallus Creek in the spring of 1969, Canadian Johns-Manville Co. Ltd. staked about 120 claims along the western contact of the Mount Martley stock. An additional 60 claims in subsequent years were staked to cover the northern and southeastern portion of the contact zone. Reconnaissance mapping and geochemistry were completed over the entire claim area in 1969 and 1970. During 1970 and 1971, detailed mapping, geochemistry and induced polarization surveys were completed over a possible porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit setting in the southern portion of the claim area (see Sallus Creek (No. 1 Showing), 092INW016). In the fall and early winter of 1970, detailed mapping, sampling and diamond drilling were completed in black argillite near the contact of the stock, in the northern portion of the claims (this description). The argillite at the North showing was found to be very anomalous in zinc and copper, and moderately anomalous in molybdenum, lead and silver. Diamond drilling proved to be unsuccessful in that penetration of the argillite was costly, and after three attempts, the program was abandoned. In 1973, the field program in the North showing area consisted of bedrock, soil and talus geochemistry. Percussion drilling was performed on some claims in 1974 and totaled 450 metres in twenty-five holes.

In 2021 and 2022 Freepath Metals Corp. compiled and digitized historical data over their High Road property, which incorporates the Sallus Creek showings. They also conducted a remote sensing interpretation as well as programs of stream sediment, soil and rock sampling over the property. No anomalies were detected in the Sallus Creek area, but two anomalous clusters were found on the High Road property approximately 20 kilometres north between Pavilion Mountain and Mount Carlson.

EMPR AR 1935-F12,F13; 1985
EMPR ASS RPT 2376, 2429, 2447, 3095, 3574, *4405, *4796, 40266, 40713
EMPR FIELDWORK 1981, pp. 270,271
EMPR GEM 1970-228; 1972-229; 1973-210; 1974-158
EMPR OF 1987-18
EMPR PF (see Sallus Creek (No. 1 Showing), 092INW016 - Claim map, 970)
EMPR PFD 861552
GSC MAP 1010A; 1386A; 42-1989
GSC MEM 118, pp. 3,96,97; 262
GSC OF 165; 866; 980
GSC P 46-8; 47-10; 73-1A, p. 212; 74-49; 79-17; 81-1A, pp. 217-221; 82-1A, pp. 293-297; 85-1A,
pp. 349-358
Placer Dome File