The Mustang property is underlain by volcanic-derived sedimentary rocks of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group. In most cases the volcanic clasts of the sedimentary rocks are not weathered and have been deposited quickly in poorly sorted massive conglomerate beds, although some interbedded sandstone and siltstone beds also occur. The clasts have undergone little transportation or mixing, and thick assemblages of predominantly basaltic, andesitic or trachyandesitic beds occur. The lithologic units have been identified according to predominant clast content and comprise four units: unit one is sediments with predominantly trachyandesitic clasts; unit 2, basaltic clasts predominate; unit 3, mixed clasts predominate; and unit 4, andesitic clasts predominate. The sediments appear to form a monoclinal sequence striking northwest and dipping steeply northeast. Two strong northwest trending faults with associated carbonate alteration cut the sediments and are believed to represent the southern extension of the Sabiston Creek fault mapped to the north of Kamloops Lake.
Carbonate alteration consists of ankerite and dolomite occurring as replacements and veining in moderate to intense zones with minor late quartz or chalcedony veinlets. Trace amounts of pyrite occur as disseminated grains and increases in content with silicification. Limonite is a common weathering product of ankerite and is abundant in all alteration zones. Weak hematite staining is also widespread across the property and is usually associated with the deep weathering of the fault zones. A moderate to intense carbonate alteration zone occurs along a fault on the Mustang 3 claim. Selected rock chips containing minor quartz veining with sparse pyrite analysed 0.9 and 1.3 per cent mercury. The altered rock at this sample site is a pebble conglomerate derived from andesite (Assessment Report 15049).
Work History
In 1986, M. Morrison conducted geological mapping on the Mustang claims.
In 2019, D. Pollard staked the area completed a program of minor rock sampling.
In 2020, Syber Mining Corp. and Le Mare Gold Corp. completed a minor program of prospecting and geological mapping and an airborne magnetometer survey on the area as the Brussels Creek project.