The Davis mercury showing is predominantly underlain by dark green basaltic volcanic breccia and minor tuff and agglomerate of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group. Thin films of cinnabar occur in white dolomite veins and stringers associated with ankeritized, low-angle shears striking east-southeast and dipping 30 degrees southwest. The rusty brown altered shear zones vary from 20 centimetres to 6 metres in width.
In the 1940s, the mercury showing was staked as the S and T group of claims which covered the ground formerly staked as the Bee group in 1937. In 1983, Placer Development Ltd. staked the Ren claims which covered the showing and conducted stream sediment and heavy mineral sampling. In 1984, Placer Development completed soil sampling, geological mapping and magnetometer and VLF-EM surveys over the Ren claims.