The Campbell Creek showing area is located near the fault contact of Upper Triassic Nicola Group sediments and Jurassic granodioritic rocks of the Wild Horse batholith.
The property is underlain by Nicola Group argillite intruded by gabbro. The argillite is dark grey to black and very fine grained. It strikes 330 to 340 degrees and dips 60 to 80 degrees west and has a strongly developed slaty cleavage. The gabbro is uniform, very massive, fine to medium grained and dark grey-green in colour. The contact between argillite and gabbro is mostly covered by talus, but where seen in one outcrop, appears intrusive. Minor pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite was noted in brecciated gabbro close to a pronounced fault lineament striking 330 to 340 degrees that separates the argillite from gabbro. The fault exposures contain abundant rusty quartz and manganese oxide.
In 1939, Clairdon Mines Ltd. mined one tonne of mineralized material which produced 342 grams silver and 62 grams gold. In 1967-68, geological mapping and EM-16 survey was completed on the B claims on behalf of Royal Canadian Ventures Ltd.