The Tenderfoot showing is predominantly underlain by Upper Triassic Nicola Group porphyritic augite and olivine basalt that are cut by andesite to basaltic dikes and a granodiorite-quartz diorite stock. The volcanic rocks are moderately to strongly chlorite- epidote-saussurite altered, with development of carbonate, silicified and serpentinized zones.
Mineralization consisting of bornite, chalcopyrite, malachite, hematite and pyrite occurs within shears and fractures in altered augite porphyritic basalt. The shears trend dominantly north to northwest and are cut by northeast trending fractures. The mineralization occurs as massive veinlets and veins in shears from 0.1 to 2 metres in width with disseminations and smears along microfractures and veinlets. The gangue consists of dominantly quartz-calcite-hematite with chlorite, epidote-saussurite and clays.
In 1997, a rock sample from a 70 centimetre wide shear above an old adit analysed 5.89 per cent copper, 44.4 grams per tonne silver and 108 parts per billion gold (Assessment Report 25492).
The Tenderfoot claim was staked in 1889 under the old 'apex law', being 1500 feet long in a general east-west direction and 600 fee wide. In 1894, G.M. Dawson reported on the geology and mineralization of the Tenderfoot showing. A 4.5-metre shaft was sunk on the vein in 1893-94. During 1899, a 4-tonne bulk sample from this shaft was shipped to the smelter at Ladysmith. In 1904, the Tenderfoot claim (Lot 882) was Crown granted. Increased activity up to 1909 resulted in the completion of 285 metres of underground excavation which consisted of a 13.1-metre decline, a 9.2-metre adit, a 7-metre shaft and numerous crosscuts. Little work was done on the property before the 1930s because of slumping copper prices. However, 92 tonnes of ore was shipped to the smelter at Ladysmith by an Edmonton syndicate in 1918. Assay results from this shipment are not known, but additional work, completed in 1930, included a winze, raise and two crosscuts. In 1962, the Kamloops Copper Company Ltd. acquired an option on the Tenderfoot claim and sampled and examined the underground workings; 3 diamond-drill holes were put down beneath the old workings. The region lay idle until 1969, at which time the property was optioned to Giant Explorations Ltd. by the owner, K. Rousseau. Giant Explorations Ltd. completed an electromagnetic and magnetometer survey, and 2 drillholes totalling 102 metres. In 1972, the J group of claims were staked and Falaise Lake Mines Ltd. performed prospecting, soil sampling (110) and 1 diamond-drill hole totalling 190 metres. The property was sold to W. Spence in 1982, and subsequently resold to Mix Resources Ltd. (now Rococco Resources Ltd.) in December of that year who renamed the property to Bornite. In 1983, 4 diamond-drill holes totalling 233 metres, a VLF-EM 16 survey, 223 soil samples and 10 percussion-drill holes totalling 458 metres were completed. In 1985, Rococco Resources Ltd. completed geological mapping, VLF-EM 16 and magnetometer surveys, and petrographic studies. By 1992, the Sun claims now cover the Tenderfoot showing where general prospecting, mapping and rock sampling (23) was conducted on behalf of the Sun Joint Venture. In 1996, an EM 16 resistivity survey was run on the Sun claims on behalf of the owner, A.W. Molnar. In 1997, a geological survey, rock sampling (21), grid work (33 kilometres) and a VLF-EM (32 kilometres) and magnetometer (32 kilometres) survey was completed on the Sun claims on behalf of A.W. Molnar.