The Utopia showings consist of mineralized shears in diorite of the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic Iron Mask batholith. Shafts, opencuts, pits and an adit explore the shear zones which vary from 0.3 to 2.6 metres wide. The shears strike from 350 to 050 degrees and dip steeply southwest and northwest. Mineralization consists of disseminations and veinlets of primarily pyrite with chalcopyrite, malachite and azurite. Quartz is sparse and magnetite is locally present. Some of the shears exhibit albite alteration. Assays reported from one of the zones yielded a high of 1.37 grams per tonne gold. It is also reported that some ore was shipped from a 6-metre adit and that the best gold assays obtained ran $21 per ton (ca. early 1940s, Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 249).
The Utopia claim was originally staked by T. Ray and it is stated that the claim has lapsed (ca. early 1940s). In 1969, Great Plains Development Company of Canada Ltd. conducted geological mapping, soil sampling (290), 8.8 kilometres of ground magnetometer survey and 7.9 kilometres of induced polarization survey on the Byr and Ace No. 1 claim group which also covered the Fargo (092INE051), B (092INE118), Kingpin (092INE019) and Dewey(092INE21) showings. In 1972, Flagstone Mines Ltd. conducted geological mapping and soil sampling over the JD and Pin claims. The JD 54 claim appears to cover the Utopia showing. In 1978, Cominco Ltd. completed 4.5 line kilometres of induced polarization and ground magnetometer survey over the Reg and Byr claims.