The Bee occurrence area is underlain by Lower-Middle Jurassic Harrison Lake Formation rocks comprised of intermediate to acidic flows and pyroclastics, and the Upper Jurassic Kent Formation conglomerate, chert and tuffs. These rocks are intruded by the Oligocene Chilliwack batholith. The property covers the contact between Kent Formation conglomerate and hornblende granodiorite of the Chilliwack batholith.
Radioactive pegmatite occurs in hornblende granodiorite. The siliceous pegmatite is comprised mainly of white to clear quartz enveloping subhedral crystals of potash feldspar and fragments of granodiorite hostrock.
A uranium mineral, likely uraninite or uraniferous magnetite, occurs as sporadic, fine disseminated black crystals associated with clusters of fine-grained pyrite. A greenish yellow secondary uranium mineral, possibly phosphuranylite, also occurs in the matrix. The pegmatite also contains chalcopyrite, malachite, erythrite and limonite. A 2-metre chip sample assayed 0.017 per cent uranium (Assessment Report 6790).