Some surface stripping and opencut work at the Hilton 1,2 showing has exposed a small lens of pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and pyrite in a narrow belt of skarn rock. The silicate rock contains limestone pods and is itself contained within granite gneiss of the Custer Gneiss complex. The skarn minerals include an abundance of red garnet (andradite?), epidote and anorthite feldspar.
The Custer Gneiss is derived mainly from lower Mesozoic and possibly Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks, and metamorphosed in the Late Cretaceous or early Tertiary. The contact of the granodioritic Oligocene Chilliwack batholith occurs within a few kilometres to the south of the occurrence.
A sample of solid pyrrhotite ore yielded 0.05 per cent nickel and a trace of gold (GSC Summary Report 1923 Part A, page 71).