The Clover Leaf showing is on the southwest bank of Ruby Creek, which drains southeast into the Fraser River, northeast of Agassiz.
Regionally, Muller has included this area under his map unit Ms (Geological Survey of Canada Map 41-1989). The parent rocks are believed to be largely upper Paleozoic (probably Permian-Jurassic Hozameen Complex) but may be in part Mesozoic, with metamorphism occurring in the Cretaceous (Geological Survey of Canada Paper 69-47, page 33).
Locally, a talc exposure, 10 metres thick with a strike length of 70 metres, is contained within a north- striking, steeply dipping chloritic phyllite. The talc is believed to be a completely altered ultramafic body, as many such bodies are seen in the vicinity, including a bluff of pyroxenite north of the talc showing. Exposures are poor and lens-like; the area is mostly drift covered. Drilling, performed in 1970, intersected approximately 60 metres of talc in a hole angling 33 degrees north, along strike, indicating the depth of talc but not the true thickness.
The talc is cream to dark-greenish grey and weathers rust and green. The surface is highly fractured and slickensided, and the talc has a north trending foliation. In thin section, the talc ore consists of 25 per cent tremolite-actinolite and 5 per cent magnetite. It yields off-white to grey powder.
Pyrrhotite, carrying values in nickel and copper, was also reported. Up to 100 grams per tonne silver was obtained from pack sack drill samples. Values in gold are also reported to occur.
In 1978, rock samples (7381) from Ruby Creek, assayed up to 4.8 grams per tonne gold but no locations were given (Assessment Report 7109).
In 2000, a rock sample (RS4) of serpentinite with sulphides, taken to the north on the Ruby 1 claim, assayed 0.118 per cent nickel (Assessment Report 26229).
The property has been drilled, first in 1964 and again in 1970. Trenching and test pits have also been dug on the showing, dating to 1966. In 1970, Cosmic Nickel Mines completed a program of soil sampling and 270.0 line-kilometres of ground magnetic surveys. In 1978, Longbar Minerals prospected and soil sampled the area as the Rub claims. In 1981, Aquarius Resources completed a program of geochemical sampling and geological mapping on the area. In 1990, the area was prospected as the Roo claims. In 2000 and 2003, the area was prospected and soil sampled as the Ruby claims.