The Crackerjack showing is situated along the steep west bank of Hedley Creek, 0.8 to 1.0 kilometre north-northeast of the town of Hedley.
The area north of Hedley is underlain by a sequence of interbedded siltstone, argillite, limestone, quartzite and chert of the Upper Triassic Stemwinder Mountain Formation (Nicola Group), which is intruded by stocks, sills and dykes of hornblende diorite to gabbro of the Early Jurassic Hedley Intrusions. Bedding generally strikes north and dips moderately to steeply to the west.
Two north-trending zones of skarn alteration occur in limestone adjacent to the intrusions on the Crackerjack claim (Lot 3278). The zones contain garnet, diopside and epidote in varying proportions, and are mineralized with fine disseminations and segregations of arsenopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. A 1 to 2-metre wide vein of massive pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite occurs in one of the zones. A chip sample taken across this vein in adit 1 assayed 7.61 grams per tonne gold and 29 grams per tonne silver over 1.5 metres (Assessment Report 17784, page 7, sample 5422). Six other samples taken of the enclosing skarn assayed 0.07 to 1.1 grams per tonne gold and 1.7 to 10.6 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 17784).
Arsenopyrite occurs as lenses and stringers associated with quartz-calcite veins in shear zones within the east end of the Stemwinder stock, two hundred metres to the north. The shear zones strike northeast, dip shallowly to moderately west, and are up to 1 metre wide. Individual quartz-calcite veins vary between 5 and 30 centimetres in width. The diorite wallrock has undergone varying degrees and forms of alteration, including silicification. A 50- centimetre chip sample taken from the south wall of adit 3 assayed 7.20 grams per tonne gold and 160 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 17784, page 6, sample 5408). Ten other samples of mineralization exposed in adit 3 assayed 0.07 to 63.67 grams per tonne gold and 3.1 to 166 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report
This prospect was explored as early as 1900. The various old workings were most recently assessed by Hedley-Sterling Explorations Ltd. in 1987.