The Lela prospect is 800 metres southwest of the Similkameen River and 13 kilometres south-southwest of Princeton. The Ingerbelle mine (092HSE004) is 500 metres to the south.
This area along the Similkameen River, in the vicinity of Smelter Lakes, is underlain by intrusive rocks of the Lost Horse Intrusions and the Smelter Lake stock (Copper Mountain Intrusions), both of Early Jurassic age, and volcanics of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group. The Nicola Group volcanics were previously included with the Wolf Creek Formation (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 171). All units are unconformably overlain to the east by volcanics and sediments of the Eocene Princeton Group.
The deposit is hosted in altered Nicola Group volcanics, which are extensively intruded by porphyritic syenodiorite and latite of the Lost Horse Intrusions.
A mineralized zone, 60 metres wide, trends north for 240 metres between two bounding faults. The western fault separates strongly fractured and mineralized rocks from west dipping schistose volcanics and argillite. Diamond drilling indicates that the zone dips west.
Mineralization consists of chalcopyrite and magnetite, as veinlets and disseminations. The chalcopyrite is partly oxidized.
Copper Basin Mines Ltd. conducted stripping, trenching and 90 metres of diamond drilling in two holes in 1962.