The Pal gold anomaly is located on an unnamed tributary of Cogburn Creek.
The area is underlain by a northwest- striking, steeply east- dipping sequence of medium to dark coloured, fine- to medium-grained amphibole-plagioclase-quartz schist, grey to light brown, thinly- bedded to massive biotite-quartz schist, phyllitic argillite and recrystallized chert hosts small, commonly fault-bounded masses of metamorphosed and deformed gabbro and talc-serpentine schist. The latter unit is believed to have been originally emplaced as peridotite and/or pyroxenite.
Locally, abundant quartz veins and stringers from 1 millimetre to 2.0 metres wide are stained by limonite and hematite.
In 2001, Trade Wind Ventures staked the Pal group and completed a geochemical sampling program, which identified an area of anomalous gold. Stream sediments sampling assayed up to 750 parts per million gold (Assessment Report 27414).