The Dunlap occurrence is located on the eastern shore of Harrison Lake, approximately 3 kilometres southeast of the mouth of Big Silver Creek.
The area is underlain by pelitic sediments, greenstone and greenschists of the Cretaceous Slollicum Formation.
Locally, two occurrences have been explored by historic workings:
1.) A 0.5 metre shear zone is exposed and opened for several metres on the Alex Crawford claim just above the beach. The shear trends 126 degrees north and dips 38 degrees east and is reportedly barren of quartz or sulphides and contains only carbonaceous phyllitic gouge and minor hematite staining.
2.) A short adit and raise are located on an exposed quartz vein on the Cecil Dunlap claim, approximately 50 metres up the hill from Harrison Lake. The vein trends 120 degrees north and dips 28 degrees east. The vein reportedly contains iron sulphides and iron and manganese oxide staining.
The area was first prospected, in 1921, by C.E.M. Dickson and W.M. Alexander as the James McKenzie, John Lougheed, Alex Crawford and Wm. Alexander claims. From 1982 to 1986, various prospecting programs were completed by J.M. Logan.