In the area of the Majestic showing, north-northwest striking, variably dipping Lower and Middle Jurassic Ladner Group siltstone predominates. At an elevation of 686 metres on the west bank of Hidden Creek, a 3.66-metre wide porphyry dyke intruding the siltstone has been traced for approximately 100 metres on the surface. The dyke strikes 75 degrees, dips "slightly" to the southeast and varies from 2.13 to 2.44 metres wide.
Anastomosing quartz veinlets and stringers were observed to cut the dyke and a 1.27 to 2-centimetre wide quartz vein hosting finely disseminated pyrite and tetradymite is reported to have carried visible gold, locally encrusted by iron oxides. A grab sample of selected material from this vein assayed 216.0 grams per ton gold (Property File - Crossland, F.J. (1935)). Development is reported to have consisted of two tunnels, 70 and 9 metres long, respectively.
Refer to the Gold Coin showing (092HNW032) for details of the regional geology.