The Lloyd George showing is exposed 300 metres east of Rabbitt Creek, 1.65 kilometres southeast of the summit of Mount Rabbitt and 5 kilometres northwest of Tulameen.
The showing consists of a quartz vein hosted in greenstone of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group. The vein strikes 040 degrees and dips 65 degrees southeast. It has been traced along strike for 38 metres and varies from 0.9 to 1.8 metres in width. The quartz is locally mineralized with chalcopyrite and pyrite. Small amounts of pyrite and chalcopyrite are also found in the enclosing greenstone.
Work History
In 2008, Discovery Ventures Inc. completed a 425 line-kilometre airborne magnetometer and electromagnetic (VLF-EM) survey on the area as the Rabbitt Mine property.