The Trail Bay Quarry is situated 1.5 kilometres west-southwest of Sechelt near the shore of Trail Bay. A similar granite quarry, the Swanson (092GSW008), lies 1.4 kilometres to the northeast. The quarry was developed in Jurassic granodiorite of the Jurassic to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex.
The quarry, developed parallel to north-trending joints, has a maximum length of 75 metres along its north-south working face and 30 metres along its east-west face. A smaller face, approximately 25 metres north of the larger opening, is 25 metres long. The maximum height of developed faces is 3 metres.
The granodiorite is medium to coarse-grained with a fresh appearance and a light grey tone. Visible minerals include feldspar, quartz, biotite and hornblende. Occasional dark knots of mafic minerals and infrequent iron stains are visible (less than 1 per cent). Three sets of joints are recognized at the site; a vertical set strikes east to southeast; a second set strikes northeast and dips southeast; and a third set strikes south-southeast and dips moderately to the west.
Potential reserves of dimension stone, extend 45 metres west of the quarry. A housing development near the quarry will restrict the quarry's development.
Sechelt Granite Quarries Ltd. operated the quarry in the early 1900's, producing paving stone. No production figures are available.