The Millie and April claims are located on the west side of Pitt Lake, opposite Goose Island. The claims are underlain by hornblende diorite of the Jurassic to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex. A fault is reported to traverse the property, exposing associated hornblendite and peridotite intrusives. Streaks of chalcopyrite, pyrite, magnetite, pyrrhotite and possibly pentlandite were observed in the ultramafics.
In 1972, a selected sample assayed 0.18 per cent copper and 0.14 per cent nickel (Assessment Report 3907).
According to Assessment Report 3907, a 24-metre adit was driven on a quartz-filled fissure vein from a point on the lakeshore. According to Assessment Report 8873, this adit is only 15 metres long and was thought to have been driven by Jim Baily in 1934. In 1971, some minor trenching was done above and to the northwest of this adit. In 1972, Yukon Gold Placers Limited conducted geological mapping and a magnetometer survey. The area was staked as the BB 1 to 13 claims totalling 182 units and a work program was carried out in 1980 in conjunction with work on the Standard property claims (see MINFILE 092GSE008). The tunnel was sampled in 1980 and a short geochemical line was completed. Results were considered negligible for gold and silver.