Copper and molybdenum mineralization outcrops on the east shore of Sechelt Peninsula, 13 kilometres north-northeast of Halfmoon Bay.
The SN showing is hosted in equigranular, medium-grained diorite of Upper Jurassic age, within the Jurassic to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex. The diorite locally exhibits moderate to intense argillic alteration and silicification.
Pyrite and molybdenite occur in surface exposures as blebs and disseminations in a quartz vein stockwork and in the host diorite. Pyrite also occurs in massive pods in quartz veins and in fracture- fillings in the diorite. Diamond drilling encountered molybdenite, chalcopyrite and pyrite confined largely to zones of altered diorite. One section of extremely altered diorite containing blebs of pyrite and molybdenite accompanied by pyritic fractures assayed 0.012 per cent molybdenum and 0.11 per cent copper between 21.0 and 23.8 metres depth (Assessment Report 9519, page 3, Hole E)